Saturday, October 18, 2014

Laundry detergent

So being a stay at home mom is the most rewarding job there is, but let's face it it's hard work. Since my family is a single income home I am always am trying to think of ways to save money here and there and I have came up with some great things.     In this post I'm going to talk about laundry detergent, and how cheap it can be. Laundry detergent is one of the most expensive things you have to buy for your home and it's for a job no one likes to do. About two years ago I was on Pinterest (I'm def a Pinterest junkie) and found this great recipe for laundry detergent that said you only had to spend around $30 a year so I had to try it. Can I just say how surprised I was at how much I loved it ever since then I have used nothing but this. Plus this lasts my family of 3 about a year and a half. Here is the recipe below please tell me what you guys think and your opinions on diy laundry detergent.

What you will need:
A bucket
Cheese grater
A spoon
A box of 20 mule team borax
A box of arm wand hammer super washing soda
2 bars of fels-naptha
A container of oxi clean ( I always buy the store brand of this)
2-3 containers of purer crystals ( the more you add the stronger the scent)

The hardest part is grating up the fels-naptha bars after you do that part it's smooth sailing from here. I always a a little bit of each product and stir so that I make sure it's mixed well. After that you can put some in the purex crystals containers. It take about two table spoons per load luckily the cap on the crystals already has this marked just fill it to the second line. There it's that easy and you should have laundry detergent for a while.

* Note- when my daughter was a baby I used the purex crystals for baby, and had no problem with this irritating her skin. Keep in mind that every baby is different though.

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