Monday, May 23, 2016

Who doesn't love free stuff

So it's Monday and I know many people have the Monday blues so maybe this post will help cheer you up. Today I wanted to tell everyone about this awesome site I get some of my freebies from. Now before I get started telling you abou this site I wanted to say that I am not sponsored by them in any way shape or form. These are just my personal opinions I'm choosing to share. The site I wanted to share today is called sample source ( This site puts out samples only a few times a year. Usually these samples come out during a new season. The site is really easy to navigate. You simply put in your information and answer just a few questions and that it. It's literally that simple. When new samples become available they will send you an email letting you know to go fill your box. These boxes usually have many samples and the best part is shipping is free. After you fill your box you confirm your address and it ships. Shipping usually takes 1-2 weeks. You can always track your package with their site. I'm including a picture of the things I receive as a sample today from them the only thing I didn't get from them is the mascara in the bottom. 

Thanks so much for reading today I hope the rest of your Monday is great


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Product review for Motts cherry Apple juice

  Hey everyone long time no post. Sorry I have been neglecting this lately, but I promise to try to get it back up and running. So for this post I was asked to try and review Motts new cherry apple juice. For doing this they sent me a couple coupons for my honest opinion.
Adult test:
    So I was able to find this new product at Target. It's really easy to find it carries the classic Motts label that we all have come to know. Now the true test was about the taste. I think there cherry helps take away from the tartness of the Apple juice, however I couldn't really taste that much of the cherry  flavoring. All in all it wasn't bad just not what I expected.

Toddler test:
    So the real test is done by Lyric my 3 year old. Just a little background Lyric is a big time milk drinker. When I say big time I mean we buy at least 4 gallons of milk a week. Getting her to drink anything besides milk at home usually doesn't happen. Knowing this I didn't know how she would like the juice. I was pleasantly surprised to see how much she enjoyed it. She has already finished one bottle of it and we have already started the second bottle we received.

Would I buy it again?:
I probably would but this product again just because of how much my daughter loved it.

Thanks for reading I will post again soon