Saturday, May 2, 2015

DIY bleach pen

Hey everyone,

Today I wanted to talk to you about a house hold must bleach pens. I love these things. They are great for everything from tile to laundry. As much as I love these things I always forget to pick them up at the store not to mention they aren't the cheapest thing considering they don't last as long as one would hope. So I found a recipe that is cheaper and also uses things you already have around the house,and it works great.

2T cornstarch
1C water
5-6T bleach
Squirt bottle (I used reusable condiment bottle)

First mix your water and cornstarch until dissolved. Next you will want to put the mixture in your sauce pan continue stirring and heat until boiling. At this point your mixture should be thick this is normal and what you want. Then you will want to let this cool completely! After this has cooled you can add your bleach. If it is thicker or thinner than you desire you can add water/cornstarch until you get the desired consistency. Finally just put it in your squirt bottle and you are ready to clean, craft, or whatever else you can think to use it for.

Let me know you you have any questions or have anything you want me to try

Until net time,